Today, I’m sharing the final pics from two past Designed in a Click consultations. Take a look!
Read MorePhotoshopped image to help give direction for this fireplace wall’s design.
designed in a click
Photoshopped image to help give direction for this fireplace wall’s design.
Today, I’m sharing the final pics from two past Designed in a Click consultations. Take a look!
Read MoreA recent Designed in a Click room makeover concerned this fireplace / tv wall that needed some design. To get this figured out, I needed to work on the furniture layout with some new furniture selections too. Come and see this room and how it will be made over to be fabulous!
Read MoreKitchen to be partially remodeled in an updated, sophisticated, southwestern style.
I am sharing one of my recent email consultations today, a kitchen to be remodeled to a more sophisticated southwestern style. The homeowner was a bit puzzled about where to spend those remodeling dollars, what would make the biggest impact, etc. You know, where to splurge and where to hold back. She had some ideas herself, but wanted to confirm some things. Come and read what I shared with her….
Read MoreHey Design Lovers, I did some kitchen design tweaks for someone with a rather basic builder kitchen in a recent consultation. I thought you might enjoy seeing these so I’m sharing them today with you!
Read MoreA Dining Room Furniture Selection Tweaked With An EDesign Consultation
There is nothing that gets my attention in an inbox more than a comment like this.
“Love your blog, you have some really wonderful ideas that are so helpful!”
If I was a cat I’d be purring. A dog….my tail would be wagging and I’d be looking up adoringly into your eyes. :-)
But I was really pleased when I saw this beautiful home in the attached pics for this Designed in a Click Q&A consultation email.
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