Hi Everyone! I'm so happy to be starting a blog for interior designers and design bloggers here on my site.
I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do something like this. I have so much content already written and stored away, I can't wait to share it with you.
My dream for this blog is to share what has worked and what has NOT worked for me with you.
I am not an interior design business consultant, nor do I ever want to be one. I need help myself!
I just like sharing the ups and downs of this crazy business and how I have arrived to where I am today. I like learning from YOU too. I view this blog as a side-by-side walk down the path to better design businesses.
This is not a closed blog, so it is open for a read by anyone, so don't comment about something you wouldn't mind someone reading if they happened to come across it.
It is, however, tucked away here, at the back of my website, and it is doubtful that a lot of non-designers/bloggers will find this stuff that interesting. ;-)
I've often found a limited number of views/opens/clicks on my design biz posts that I publish on my main blog. Hence, the birth of this one.
I see biz consultants everywhere these days and see different attitudes and positions on certain aspects of interior design business, marketing and blogging. I appreciate that there are so many ways to work this.
I mean, are there any two designers working their business exactly the same way anymore?
I started my biz when there weren't many consultants out there. I experimented with so many different ways to charge, acquire clients, work my blog and social media, grow my business, etc., I feel like I've tried everything at least once!
However, I have a bit of a different point of view to what I see out on the www, and I feel pretty strongly about it. It's finally making a huge impact on how I work and the profit I'm seeing.
I'm still working at it, I'm always a work in progress, especially since our industry and business in general is always changing. That's why I love a blog so much. It's an ongoing conversation and I think that is the perfect format for my design biz chat.
If you want to travel down this path with me, I am thrilled to have you.
Carla ;-)
P.S. Want to learn a little more about me and how I work now? LuAnn Nigara did a great job of pulling out some insights and info on her podcast. Link for more info on that is RIGHT HERE.