You might not realize it yet, but if you are a designer and offer design tips, inspiration and share projects on your blog, your traffic might begin to taper off in April.
My blog’s best traffic month, historically, is January and it goes down slowly after that.
Overall Fluctuation In Design Blog Traffic Through The Year
In January, people are starting projects and planning out their year, looking for information and ideas on the internet. They are wanting to get organized with any work they want to do around their homes.
February always looks lower, but it is a short month, so that is a little confusing when you look at monthly stats.
Traffic starts to drop after March. People aren’t thinking so much about starting projects anymore. They are thinking about getting through the end of the school year and on into summer plans and vacations.
2018 Overall Blog Traffic Fluctuation - This has been typical for several years.
May, June and July are typically my lowest months, as readers are on holiday, busy with family and taking breaks from social media. It can feel like you are really in the doldrums. :-(
There is typically a new surge at back-to-school time, August and September, with everything fall and homeowners wanting to attack projects they can get done before the holidays.
November and December usually drops some too, in contrast to many lifestyle bloggers who say the months just before the holidays are big for them.
While I do a few gift guides, shopping is not what drives my blog, so December can find my readers a little distracted from my posts, in the time leading up to the holidays.
So, while many say Q4 is the best month for bloggers, Q1 is more, typically, when I get my best traffic.
And that makes sense in the world of design, remodeling and projects, doesn’t it?
Best Blogpost Topics For April
With that in mind, it is a good idea to have a post or two that deal with what people are thinking about, in between regular publishing of your work, tips, inspiration, etc. that you might post on your blog.
It’s also timely for Pinterest, since Pinterest pins from a blogpost take a few months to get going.
1. Outdoor Design
I just saw that the Houston Chronicle is looking for outdoor design projects, so you know if they are wanting content centered around that topic, that you might want to produce some similar type posts.
Outdoor Living posts are popular in spring months because people are planning for summer | Blog content ideas for interior designers | Outdoor living furnishings, Carla Aston - Designer, Colleen Scott - Photographer
Publish an outdoor project, a pool bath or garden room project you’ve done. Even a post on how to bring the outdoors in might work well now.
General Suggestion: If you’ve done more than one or two of a type of project, do a round-up post. This reuses your photos (you don’t have to worry about getting in copyright trouble) and it reminds readers of the body of your work and your experience. You can link back to the posts where you published the project previously, to hopefully get people linking around your site.
So, with this in mind, if you’ve done a handful of outdoor rooms or outdoor kitchens, maybe a round up of those would be a good idea. One pic from each project with a link back to the blogpost where it was originally featured.
Here’s a roundup post I have done on powder rooms.
There are lots of nice images to pin of my own projects and I can actually keep adding in photos to the mix later on as I get new projects.
This was actually an old post I did back in 2014 and I recently moved it to a spot in this year’s calendar, changing out some images to include more recent work and powder baths seen on home tours.
I deleted a few older looking projects so it would feel fresh, current and live happily in 2019. :-)
2. Keep Up With Trade Show And Event Posts
I will publish my last KBIS post this weekend, later than what I usually do, as I typically like to get them done while everything is still fresh. With Design Influencer’s Conference right after KBIS, I didn’t get started on those posts till March.
I broke it up into several posts, with one post centered around accessible design products. I thought that would be good for SEO to keep it more narrow in focus.
You can’t possibly feature every single thing you saw, but you can talk about how these particular items stood out to you and why you want to share with your readers or how you might use them in a job.
Keep in mind what your particular audience might want to know about.
If you are strictly all about decorating, then keep your focus there, leaving nuts and bolts functions out. You might prefer to cover the style and looks of a particular item only.
Highpoint is coming up, so get after that recap post (or posts) before summer gets here. By summer, no one really wants to hear about spring market trends.
General Suggestion: And remember, as I mentioned in my Design Influencer Conference takeaways, people aren’t looking for epic posts they have to wade through to get what they want. They want concise, targeted, easy to read articles with content that will help them in some way. If a post feels too long, break it up into two or three posts and link back to each of them when published.
Some posts can be held back for later.
Down the road, in the summer, when my content and mood are kind of waning and I’m not so busy, I will be publishing the two house tours I did at KBIS.
I don’t feel these are timely, I think these can be posted anytime. I did this post, years ago, about a home tour done during KBIS, a few months after the fact. That post STILL sends me traffic from Pinterest because it has great images and it is a popular topic, a home tour.
I also posted one of the Malibu home tours I did last October in January this year, because of the sensitivity to the Malibu fires that raged a few weeks after those tours.
Waiting to post that one didn’t affect it at all. (Unless, of course, you are getting sponsored or paid to post it and need to be timely to fulfill your obligations.)
So, while I think trade show and some event posts are good to go out pretty quickly afterward, some posts are fine to hold for later, especially if you are producing a lot of content about that particular event.
3. Write For The Month Of May
If you want to do any specific posts on activities or events happening in May like Mother’s Day, graduations, end of school year parties, etc., then you will want to post it before May, so now is the time to start thinking about that content.
If you do a Mother’s Day gift guide, table setting for a Mother’s Day dinner, decorate for parties, bridal showers or events in that month, this is a good time to be creating that content and getting it published early in April. You want to give that time to spread in social media.
Although really, for Pinterest to work, the experts say to be thinking even further ahead for timely content, but you can always post those links again then, in Pinterest, in the early part of next year to that post you created this year, and it will drive traffic.
Did you find this helpful? Subscribe below to receive my next top 3 recs for blogpost content to publish in May.
Also, check out two of my downloadable guides for designers, linked below, sharing years of experience, learned the hard way.
One of the small side projects that homeowners often slide into a larger remodel is the powder bath. I have a round up of some beauties here today along with some tips on where to spend your money if you are about to update your powder bathroom! Check them out…..