
Full Service 

Our full service design projects are for the busy person who wants good design without having to address every detail themselves. We work to develop trust so we can implement your project and get you settled in your new space as soon as possible without you experiencing all the headaches and tedium of every tiny decision along the way. Are you ready to get started!?

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Design Advice

DESIGNED in a Click! is a quick design consultation that's done remotely, via e-mail, to answer a specific question or address a specific problem you're having with your interior OR if you're a designer and would like a little biz me up. This is also the best way to get answers to your sourcing questions for my projects.

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I have sources. Sources that let me borrow all kinds of beautiful things, from vases to trays to art to the tiniest horn handled magnifying glass. And I want to style your home w/ them!

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DESIGNED w/a Consultation is designed to give you specific design direction and answer questions about your space within 90 minutes. On-location and virtual consultations are available as our schedule permits.

*Follow-up questions handled through DESIGNED in a Click.

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