Are you debating how many light fixtures to hang above your kitchen island?
These days almost every kitchen has an island if it can handle one. And since lighting choice is really a great way to add style and distinction in a kitchen, then the number of fixtures is important.
For many design choices, I like odd numbers. Groupings of 3, 5, even 7 items just feels right to me.
However, with a straight, rectangular kitchen island, I most often prefer two pendants above it.
Two pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Tori Aston #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
I think three fixtures just looks a little dated to me. It reminds me of the 90’s when kitchen islands were just starting to be a trend and we all put those little skinny min-pendants above an island.
When to do three pendants above the kitchen island
There are some occasions where three pendants seem appropriate. When your island has a turn or angle or if it is exceptionally long, then three seems to work better.
Here’s a case where I did recommend three pendants because the island was so long.
Three pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Miro Dvorscak #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
Most times, however, I prefer two pendants.
If you have a big island, you can go bigger with your fixtures. I’ve designed islands up to 10 feet before and selected only two pendants to hang above.
Two pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Tori Aston #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
Two pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Tori Aston #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
Two pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Tori Aston #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
This kitchen, below, had three pendants before the remodel. We went with two in the update.
BEFORE Remodel - three pendants over kitchen island
AFTER remodel with two pendants over kitchen island #kitchenisland #pendantlighting
I have two pendants over my own kitchen island.
Two pendants over kitchen island | Designer: Carla Aston, Photographer: Tori Aston #pendants #pendantlighting #kitchenisland
Want to read more about what to consider when selecting pendants for over your kitchen island?
Check this post out below.
There are soooo many choices these days for pendant lighting over kitchen islands. It's difficult to know how to choose which one would work best in your kitchen. Want some guidelines and suggestions for how to choose? I've got some right here.......