Even though I mentioned this already in my previous Showhouse post, I'm going to take a moment to do so again here...
We are all selling furnishings out of our rooms here in the Showhouse!
And believe me when I tell you... These are really good prices.
As designers, the last thing we all want is to load up a truck full of furnishings at the end of this gig and haul it off to a warehouse somewhere to sit for months, or longer, until we can find a project to use them in, or a relative to gift them to.
I, for one, need to sell the rug, desk, ginger jars, lamp, Christmas ornaments, drink table, and pillows from my room. (I've also got a beautiful 10 x 14' Oushak rug in my studio that needs a home for Christmas.) The art in my room sold just prior to the show; so that's fabulous news for my artist!
I thought I'd share the prices on some of the items with you today, just in case you were thinking of buying anything. :-)
Desk, 66” x 32” - $1,200.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
10’ x 11’ Rug - $1995.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Studded Metal Mirror, 35” x 42” - $583.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Alabaster Table Lamp, 32” H - $635.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Drink Table, 16” W x 19” H - $480.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Silk Pillows w/Velvet Welting - (2) @ $282.00 ea., (2) @ $320.00 ea. | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Assorted Ginger Jars and Vases - ranges from $98.00 - $165.00 ea. | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Closet Ceiling Lantern Fixture - $477.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Blue and White Ginger Jars - $72.00 ea. | Email me to arrange your purchase!
Silver Magnifying Glass - $24.00 | Email me to arrange your purchase!
As I previously mentioned...
We often get items specially reduced for us by our vendors so we can use their products in our spaces. Then we pass those savings on to the visitors who purchase at the show. So, when you visit the Showhouse, you're not only getting a tour of a lovely home, you're also getting to shop designer showrooms at special prices!
So take a close look at the price sheets in each room. There’s bound to be a deal there somewhere that you are going to have to have. :-)
Our studio phone number - 281-364-6633
My email address - carla@carlaaston.com Let me know if you're interested in any of the above!